(01) Luminara
Art Direction, Web design Art Direction
Ui&Ux, Web design Ui&Ux
(03) Fly Flaps Burgers
Art Direction, Branding Art Direction
(04) Dope Merch
Ui&Ux Ui&Ux
(05) Virus – Live Mix
Art Direction Art Direction
(06) Yume Sushi
Motion Graphic, Web design Motion Graphic
(07) The Clash
Motion Graphic Motion Graphic
(08) CVLT Poster
Motion Graphic, Poster design Motion Graphic
(09) White Sand NFT
Ui&Ux Ui&Ux
(10) Ambra
Branding, Packaging Branding
(11) Bumps
Ui&Ux Ui&Ux
(12) Slay Streetwear
Branding, Ui&Ux Branding
(13) Magic Rock Brewing
Packaging Packaging
(14) Develop-Players
Branding, Social Branding
(15) SGP Motorsynt
Branding, Packaging Branding
(16) Virus Animation
Animation, Motion Graphic Animation
(17) Check Fitness
Web design Web design
(18) What is Graphic Design
Animation, Character Design Animation
(19) The Art of Moto
Poster design Poster design
(20) Sanlollo Generative
Branding Branding
(21) Mumble App
Ui&Ux Ui&Ux